
NMR Testimonial: Dan Newman of Maplight

New Media Rights had the pleasure of working with another great non-profit. Daniel Newman is Co-Founder and Executive Director of MapLight, a nonpartisan nonprofit illuminating the connection between money and politics in unprecedented ways. Mr. Newman briefly discusses how New Media Rights helped Maplight.

New Media Rights protects another blogger from censorship and DMCA abuse

New Media Rights recently protected blogger Michael Petrelis' speech and commentary regarding another blogger who pretended to be a gay Syrian woman living in Damascus. 

Mr. Petrelis is just one example of the hundreds of individuals who rely on New Media Rights daily.  His story reminds us that we have the right to criticize and comment on the culture that surrounds us.

Anita Sarkeesian - How I fought against a Youtube takedown and harassment, and eventually won

New Media Rights helped Anita Sarkeesian, who is a remix artist and the founder of Feminist Frequency. Anita is a talented remix artist, video editor and feminist cultural critic who created a video that was taken down from Youtube under the label of "inappropriate content". New Media Rights believes that Youtube must create an efficient process so that Youtube users can reach the proper channels to reenable their videos, whether the takedown is for copyright (DMCA takedown), inappropriate content, or other reasons.
