Don't Panic! Evaluation Copy Request for Professors and Teachers

Get a free evaluation copy of Don't Panic

To celebrate the nine college and graduate programs that have adopted our book Don't Panic: A Legal Guide (in plain English) for Small Businesses and Creative Professionals...
We will send you a *FREE* evaluation copy if you're a media studies, entrepreneurship, filmmaking, development, journalism, or art teacher interested in integrating practical business and legal issues into your syllabus or adding our book as recommended reading.
Fill in your information in the form and we'll follow up to get a book out to you! Supplies are limited.
For classes in southern California, we'd also be happy to schedule an in-person guest lecture if you'd like. Reach out to us via email at after filling out the form.
We’re trying to find like-minded instructors who believe it’s important teach students about the day-to-day entrepreneurial realities of the creative fields their students will be entering into after graduation. Because unfortunately, New Media Rights typically sees these recent graduates only *after* they’re facing a legal issue and need our assistance.
We'd love your help to ensure students know how to prevent legal and business issues.