
David Bollier

As promised in last week’s post on The Commons Video, here’s an interview with David Bollier, author of Viral Spiral: How the Commoners Built a Digital Republic of Their Own, which we said in January “will likely establish itself as a definitive guide for those seeking to understand and discover the key players and concepts in the digital commons.

Taxonomy upgrade extras: 

New Media Rights to speak at California Western's Entertainment and Sports Law Society Spring Symposium

Spring Symposium Schedule Saturday, March 7, 2009 Purchase Tickets at Students - $20 Attorneys - $25 (CLE Credits offered) 9:30-10:00 a.m. Registration 10:00-10:45 The San Diego Firm Setting: More Personal Representation Outside LA Rodney L. Donohoo, Law Offices of Rodney L. Donohoo Abbas Kazerooni, Esq., Partner @ Kazerouni Law Group 10:45-11:00 Networking Coffee Break 11:00-12:00 MySpace & You Tube are Forcing the Law to Catch Up with Technology Brooke Wentz, The Rights Workshop

Taxonomy upgrade extras: 

Adam Singer on CC licenses and Music Promotion

Adam Singer is a musician and “social media guru” who used his expertise in both fields to find a more harmonious means of online promotion. As a relatively “unknown artist”, Singer saw little return on efforts to profit from his works as CDs and digital downloads, selling only a few copies with “mixed results”.

Taxonomy upgrade extras: 

Norway coughs up the kroners to support use of open source software in the public sector

Norway has decided to commit money to adapt the OpenOffice suite for various government uses. This follows a commitment by Norway in 2006 to use more open source software in government functions. It will be interesting to see if any developments and modifications get picked up and used or modified by other governments.
