
Live Video Streaming: Guide To The Best Broadcast Services To Stream Your Video In Real-Time

Live video streaming services allow you to broadcast live any video content from your computer to any number of viewers connected via the Internet. In this guide to the best live video streaming tools you can find all of the available free web video broadcasting services compared and put through their paces.

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Deadly Medical Monopolies

There is something ethically distasteful about anyone “owning” our DNA, yet that’s exactly what the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office does. It grants patents in genes (among other things). With the sanction of the U.S. Supreme Court, which recognized patents in lifeforms in 1981, one-fifth of the human genome is now privately owned.

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Online Meeting And Appointment Schedulers: Comparative Guide And Review Of The Best Collaborative Tools

Online meeting and appointment schedulers are automated tools and web services that help you and your contacts find the best matching date / time to organize a physical or virtual meeting.

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Brandjacking on Social Networks: Twitter, Malicious Ghost Writing, and Corporate Sabotage

It seems all I can write about these days is digital doppelgangers. I’ve written about employers engaged in Facebook hijacking and MySpace lurking. Today, a story of brandjacking through Twitter sabotage rounds out the cyber-possession trilogy.

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Online Music Collaboration: Best Tools And Services To Collaborate On Music Projects

Online music collaboration services allow you to play, rehearse and record music with remotely connected like-minded people from around the world. You connect with other musicians, vocalists, songwriters and even to your own music fans to create the music you like either in real-time or asynchronously. You can also exchange ideas, discover new music from other independent artists and experiment freely without the pressure coming from knowing that you are renting an expensive recording studio.

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Even Dead Celebrities Sell

Carrie MacLaren is one of the few people I know with the subversive wit and tenacity to critique the scabrous assaults of market culture on our basic humanity. I first got to know her almost ten years ago as a fellow-copyfighter. She was about to launch a brilliant project, The Illegal Art Exhibit, which put on display dozens of images, music and text that had been declared illegal under copyright or trademark law.

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Online Fraud And The Financial Phishing Scams: Brand Abuse May Be Coming To A Blog Near You

Brand abuse is increasing, but more important than the sheer volume is the increased sophistication and the opportunistic nature of brandjackers, who are quick to take advantage of current events and popular concerns. online_marketing_brand_abuse_brandjacking_id6586901_size485.jpg Photo credit:

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Visit Our Discussion Forums to Get More Out of CMLP

If you haven't checked out CMLP's newly launched forums, you're missing out on one of our site's most interactive resources. In the forums, you can post your own legal questions and receive unofficial feedback from CMLP staff and others. (For an example, see our response to a recent question about videotaping in New Jersey). The forums are also a great place for you to spark discussion by posting articles you think others will find interesting.

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