Citizen media & journalism discussion forum

The Citizen media and journalism forum is intended to provide a place for the public to talk about the future news media. As is happening around the country, traditional news media here in San Diego, such as the San Diego Union-Tribune and local TV stations are reducing staff and losing their audiences, diminishing their roles in the community.

The key questions posed here are:

How are the changes in the media and journalism world affecting our communities?

What do we want the future of our local and regional news and journalism to look like?

What are the new institutions that will provide quality regional & local media?

How can we organize to promote a new wave of quality journalism and news sources that serve our regions and cities?

You can comment on open discussions by visiting our forum.

There will be regular blog postings here by Pete Fuentes, an expert on journalism and the news world who is a guest lecturer at universities around the United States and a media consultant on the fast changing world of journalism and media.  Pete is closely following the developments in lcoal new.  You can comment on these blog posts.  So let's get talking and create a bright future for quality local and regional journalism.

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