Legal Considerations for Startups with San Diego College of Continuing Education

New Media Rights Assistant Director Erika Lee and Student Fellow Cristina Meisterling recently spoke with students in the Small Business Planning class at the San Diego College of Continuing Education. 

We joined their final class session over Zoom to talk about common legal issues that startups and new businesses should be thinking about in the early stages. The focus was on moments where it's easy to make a misstep, focusing on copyright and contracts that businesses might want to enter into. In addition, we talked about different moments where it might be a good time to reach out to an attorney for assistance. 

Student Fellow Cristina Meisterling had this to say about the experience: "Speaking with the SDCCE Business Planning Class was such a rewarding experience! It was great  to speak with this group of entrepreneurs, and provide them with an overview how contract law and copyright law would come into play when starting their new businesses. They had insightful, important questions and they were a great group of individuals. I'm proud to be a part of New Media Rights, and so grateful for the opportunity to interact with creative individuals like the SDCCE students."

Thanks to Jennifer Patel and SDCCE for having us! 

This presentation was made possible with support from the Rose Foundation, and support from the City of San Diego Economic Development Department.

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