Drumbeat San Diego Project: Open Data

Open San Diego


Facilitators: Jed Sundwall and Lorie Hearn


We'll be looking at data from over 35,000 911 calls from July of this year.


First we'll hear from the Watchdog Institute about how they gathered the data and how to best describe the data associated with each call.


Then we'll work with the audience to develop a visualizations based on the data that passes Kaiser Fung's "Trifecta Checkup"


  1. Can we identify a practical question that the data can answer?
  2. Can we process the data to properly answer the question?
  3. What type of chart will best display the data to answer the question?

Beyond that, I would like to work with the community to determine what other practical applications of these data can we come up with? Would we be able to do more with more of these data? What would the implications be of making these data available in real time? And what tools can we use to make these data more accessible to more people?

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