Legal Considerations for Startups at the REC Innovation Lab

New Media Rights recently presented a workshop at the REC Innovation Lab at San Diego Miramar College! Assistant Director Erika Lee and Student Fellow Deanna Maayaa were on site to talk about copyright, contracts, and other legal issues common to startups.

“We had a wonderful time presenting at the REC Innovation Lab! Many of the participants were entrepreneurs, and our presentation served as a reminder of some of the important legal considerations they needed to take as they move forward with their projects” said Student Fellow Deanna Maayaa.

We focused on common areas where it can be easy to make mistakes and talked about ways that budding entrepreneurs can prevent some of these common missteps early on. Along the way, we also identified moments where it’s probably a good time to reach out to a lawyer. The event was hybrid, available in person and via zoom, and the turnout was great!

Deanna had this to say about the experience: “I'm grateful for the opportunity to connect with entrepreneurs and those involved with the REC Innovation Lab. Participants asked insightful and important questions that added great value to our overall discussion. This event is a perfect example of why working at New Media Rights is such a pleasure and how collaborating with ambitious individuals is always rewarding.”

Thanks to Tanya Hertz and the team at the REC Innovation Lab at Miramar College for having us!

This workshop was made possible with support from the City of San Diego Economic Development Department. 

About the REC Innovation Lab

The Regional Entrepreneurship Center – REC Innovation Lab is a startup incubator on the campus of San Diego Miramar College focused on helping entrepreneurs from diverse backgrounds to launch scalable, high-growth startups that use technology to solve problems. Learn more about the REC Innovation Lab by visiting their website. 

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