Creative Commons

New Media Rights to speak at California Western's Entertainment and Sports Law Society Spring Symposium

Spring Symposium Schedule Saturday, March 7, 2009 Purchase Tickets at Students - $20 Attorneys - $25 (CLE Credits offered) 9:30-10:00 a.m. Registration 10:00-10:45 The San Diego Firm Setting: More Personal Representation Outside LA Rodney L. Donohoo, Law Offices of Rodney L. Donohoo Abbas Kazerooni, Esq., Partner @ Kazerouni Law Group 10:45-11:00 Networking Coffee Break 11:00-12:00 MySpace & You Tube are Forcing the Law to Catch Up with Technology Brooke Wentz, The Rights Workshop

Taxonomy upgrade extras: 

How to find free music, images, and video you can use or remix in your own creative works

Sometimes its hard to find music, images, and video that you can freely reuse in your own creative project without fear of attorneys or the FBI showing up at your door. This resource serves as a guide to find works by artists who WANT you to reuse and build upon their work. You can also check out our Creative Commons, Fair Use, and copyright guides to learn more about reusing and remixing content.

Adam Singer on CC licenses and Music Promotion

Adam Singer is a musician and “social media guru” who used his expertise in both fields to find a more harmonious means of online promotion. As a relatively “unknown artist”, Singer saw little return on efforts to profit from his works as CDs and digital downloads, selling only a few copies with “mixed results”.

Taxonomy upgrade extras: 

Nine Inch Nails chooses Creative Commons, but what does that really mean?

Sure, NIN has licensed their new album using Creative Commons , but what does it mean for grassroots creators who want to share, remix, or sample it? What are the practical impacts of NIN choosing Creative Commons on day to day use of their work? There's bound to be more artists adopting CC licenses, so let's see what's acceptable and what's not.
