
Online Standard Ad Formats: Official Advertising Formats And Sizes For Web Banner Ads

Banner, leaderboard, skyscraper, small rectangle. Just like for newspapers and print magazines, also on the Web advertisers and publishers have defined over time an official set of "online standard ad formats". Such ad formats represent the full range of visual and text-ad sizes available for use on public web pages.

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Visual Communication And Video Publishing - Selected Tools And Web Services - Sharewood Guide Aug31 08

If you need to edit your images without installing or paying for any professional software, today's visual communication centered Sharewood Guide can really help you out.

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Online Ad Management And Optimization: The Google Ad Manager Is Here

Google has just announced the public release of Google Ad Manager, a hosted platform for the full management and optimization of online advertising campaigns. To access it one needs only to have an existing AdSense account.

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Media Literacy: Making Sense Of New Technologies And Media by George Siemens - Aug 23 08

How can the educational system we pay for via our taxes change and transform itself into a new way to prepare our young people for an even faster-changing future? Are there alternatives out there?

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WebSite Content Organizaton And Planning: How To Apply Basic Information Architecture Principles To Your Blog Site

How do you organize the content of a new web site or blog? Do you really need to spend specific time ahead of launching to organize the content sections and hierarchy of your web site?

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Content Writing Strategies: The Tramezzino Approach And the Inverted Pyramid - How To Create Effective Article Openings

When you write a web article you need to tell immediately to your readers what it is so special about your post that they should stop doing other things and put all of their attention on reading it. More often than not though online publishers start their articles by attacking the topic from very far away.

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Social Media And US Business Familiarity, Usage And Adoption: A Research Study Of The Inc. 500

Social media is coming to the US business world and sooner than many had originally anticipated. social-media-business-Inc500_d579b8284f-450.jpg In early 2007 the results of a groundbreaking study into the adoption of social media within the Inc. 500, an elite group of the fastest-growing companies within the United States, were released.

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